Food Safety Training | 3 Bad Habits to Give Up for Lent
Habits to Give Up for Lent
Bad Habit #1
Let's be honest, we've all been guilty of ignoring expiration dates on food products at one point or another. It's tempting to keep using a product past its expiration date if it looks okay, but where food safety is involved, this can be a dangerous practice. Expiration dates are there for a reason - to protect consumers from the risk of foodborne illness and to maintain the freshness of food. So this Lent, commit to checking the expiration dates on all of your products and removing anything that is expired. Not only will this protect your consumers, but it will also prevent your company from facing costly recalls and damage to your reputation.
Bad Habit #2
Good hygiene practices are essential in food manufacturing to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and other contaminants. This means regular hand washing, wearing gloves and hairnets, and avoiding touching your face or other objects while working with food. However, it's easy to get complacent when it comes to hygiene, especially when you're busy or tired. So this Lent, commit to improving your hygiene practices. Put up reminders in your work area, set an alarm to remind yourself to wash your hands. Make sure your colleagues are following good hygiene practices too.
Bad Habit #3
Your employees are the backbone of your manufacturing process, and they need to be trained on food safety practices. Failing to train your employees can lead to serious health risks for consumers and damage to your company's reputation. This Lent, commit to providing regular training to your employees. Make sure they understand the importance of food safety, and teach them how to follow good manufacturing practices. Learn more about our Good Manufacturing Practices class here!
Food Safety is No Joke!
About the author
Lance Roberie
Food Safety Consultant and TrainerLance Roberie has over 20 years of quality assurance and food safety experience within the food industry. Mr. Roberie holds the following certifications:
- Certified Food Safety HACCP Manager
- Preventative Controls for Human Foods (PCQI) Lead Instructor
- Meat & Poultry and Seafood HACCP Lead Instructor
- FSPCA Food Defense (IAVA) Lead Instructor
- ASQ Certified Manager of Quality & Organizational Excellence
- ServSafe Instructor and Exam Proctor
- Internal Auditor and GFSI Specialist
Lance and the Food Safety & Quality Services’ training curriculum will advance your team's food safety knowledge through certified training, consulting, and “real life” industry scenarios.
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