Root Cause Analysis | In-Person | April 22, 2021

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$ 425.00


Root Cause


Root cause analysis is the backbone of a continuous improvement program.  If the true root cause is not properly identified, the corrective actions will likely not be effective.  It all starts with understanding how to properly identify the problem.  Once the problem is identified, then the focus turns to finding the root cause of that problem.

This course will focus on how to develop and implement the protocol in order to properly identify those problems and root causes in order to develop corrective actions that will be effective and prevent recurrence of the problem.


Through various examples of industry best practices and classroom exercises, attendees will learn how to continuously improve their quality and food safety systems by correcting and preventing problems from recurring. Topics covered in this training include:
  • Why CAPA’s fail
  • 7 steps of root cause analysis and corrective actions
    1. Properly identifying the problem
    2. Data  collection
    3. Data analysis
    4. Root cause analysis tools
    5. Assigning appropriate corrective actions
    6. Verification of effectiveness
    7. Continuous improvement
  • Common root cause analysis mistakes
  • Setting appropriate corrective action timelines
  • Eliminating recurring trends
  • Management’s role for a successful program
Managers of corrective and preventive action programs (CAPA’s) are commonly buried with recurring problems due to lack of proper root cause analysis. Attendees of this training will learn how to distinguish between a proper root cause analysis and a “quick fix” and how to challenge those responsible to spend the extra time needed to truly identify the problem, root cause and corrective actions.

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Learn how we helped Abita Brewing Company pass their first food safety audit with an A grade.

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Abita Brewery - Audits