On-Site Magnet Testing
Magnet Testing & Validation
What is Magnet Testing and Validation?Metal fragments in food products is considered adulteration and a common reason for food recalls involving foreign material. Working closely with our partner AMR, we help clients like you identify and mitigate metal contamination risks by evaluating your entire process for the introduction and inclusion of metal fragments.
To be effective preventive controls, rare earth magnets must be strong enough to pull weak magnetic fragments out of the food products. Over time, these magnets can become ineffective by losing strength from repetitive vibrations, excessive heat and damage. This is why magnets must be periodically tested. The strength of magnets can be quantified in a gauss rating by using a calibrated gauss meter. Verifying magnet strength by using gauss meters is a method that the food industry currently accepts.
Many companies stop here, but there is much more testing that needs to be completed before your system can be validated. The further evaluation of magnet condition, placement, product coverage, location and the specific type of magnet used is necessary to properly risk-asses the magnetic foreign material vulnerabilities within a facility.
Who Needs Magnet Testing?
Prevent magnetic foreign material in food productsFood manufacturers and processors that consistently find metal shavings or other magnetic foreign material (metal) in their food products or ingredients should test and validate their magnets to determine potential redesigns that would prevent future occurrences.
Food companies that are regulated by FDA’s Preventive Controls for Human Food (FSMA) program and list magnets as critical control points (CCP’s) or preventive controls (PC’s) to prevent magnetic foreign material in food products.
What to Expect During Our Testing
Our typical magnet testing and validation process starts with collecting key information from your facility, including the quantity of magnets at your location, the types of magnets, locations and purpose (food safety vs. equipment protection). We then schedule an onsite visit where we typically team up with your maintenance personnel to visit each magnet location to perform our testing. A calibrated Gaussmeter is used to verify magnet strength. We then examine magnet wear and suitability for each location.
We collect a variety of information, as stated above, and put it together in a formal magnet validation report and risk assessment. The report gives you an invaluable summary containing the Gaussmeter test results, magnet conditions and evaluations along with any recommendations we have for improved capabilities. This validation can also be used as documentation to support your preventive controls for magnetic foreign material in your food safety plan.
We also support in-house and virtual verification activities by supplying currently calibrated instruments and providing training and advice enabling a HACCP certified report, recognized by auditors.
Guidance and generic specifications for magnet upgrades where indicated and ensuring these are reliable and in conformance with current industry standards for magnetic separators.
Schedule Your Magnet Validation Today
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May 13, 2025 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
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